
Submission Guidelines for Brand Model Magazine

Hi there! Thank you for taking interest in our magazine! In order to serve you best, there is just a few things we need from you for each submission. I appreciate your taking time to read this! We welcome you to Brand Model Magazine and just want everyone to know how it works to make it easier on everyone! The less I have to email people back asking for missing info, the faster we can get the issues out. 

1.Please remember to ALWAYS give proper credit where it is due. If you had a designer, makeup, hair, assistants, etc. don’t forget to list them!! Even if someone is only holding a reflector, they are your assistant.

2. We do not provide free copies of the magazine. We provide free tear sheets of each issue that are posted to our facebook page for social media sharing use. Those will be located in our photo albums. Our issues are available in digital and or print. All printing/purchasing/shipping is handled through our publishing company. If you have any problems with your order, please contact them directly, then let us know the issue as well! Their email is :

3. Most important, please do not send us images that have been or are going to be published in any other magazine. We would like to keep our content fresh!  Thanks so much for your time!


Facebook: Please find and follow us on facebook @BrandModelMagazineUSA. Find the most recent open submissions post and follow the directions on the post. When posting your submissions to our magazine facebook page, please only post ONE image along with model name, age, photographer and creative team credits. If you have more than one image or an editorial you would like us to review, please email us a gallery link to where we can download from and look through. Posting to our open call posts on facebook is the fastest way for us to see your content. Please utilize the posts for the pre selection process!

Instagram: Please find and follow us on Instagram @BrandModelMagazine. Post your image to your own wall and tag us @brandmodelmagazine or #brandmodelmagazine. If you are selected through IG, we will comment on your post to email in your submission. We are on IG less often so please be patient with us in answering your tags/comments or feel free to just email them to us at and put "IG Submission" in the Title/Subject line.


You must have access to your high resolution files & PERMISSION TO PUBLISH. With every photo shoot, you are given a disc, flash drive or online gallery link to download your images from. We need you to download and save those images to a computer. Then email your image to us from that same computer. Saving images from Facebook, are of too low quality per our publishers request. Saving those images to your phone are fine for you to view, but are also not high enough quality for us to use for the magazine. If you were given a gallery link to where you can download your high res images, you may send the link to us instead! When sending a gallery, just be sure to include any passwords or pin numbers necessary to view and download your images. You are more than welcome to request your photographer to email your image over for you if you are having trouble. We can not accept any low resolution, screen shots, facebook images, cell phone shots or any other non professional images.


Please make sure to add model name, age, photographer and any other creative team credits to be published to your email. Keeping all the information together in the same place helps us get issues out faster! If you are submitting for an OPEN issue, please label your subject of your email OPEN. If you are sending in for one of our themes, please label the subject with the THEME NAME. After you email us in your image, keep watch on your email until you get one saying. RECEIVED! It will also tell you in the email which Issue # you will be in and to keep watch for it to release. Sometimes, we have issues with the images or information sent in and if we do, we will email you back stating those issues. Please keep track of it so you can still be published. If you happen to miss our deadline to the issue we are working on, you will be placed in the following issue. We receive hundreds of emails per week and by following our quick and easy submissions policy, we can keep everything in order better! Our email address is


I know everyone wants on the cover. We get a lot of submissions that are requesting a cover only. Our covers are pre selected in advance. We have very specific things we are looking for in order for you to grace our cover. First, the level of photographer you are working with is MOST important. We look at the skill of the photographer very carefully for those who get a front or even back cover of our magazine. We need a certain amount of room at the top of the image to add our magazine logo as well as room on the sides to add any text that might be necessary for the issue. Models that have a great photographer, designer, hair, makeup artist etc. are more likely to be selected for a cover. The bigger your team to create the image, the better it is usually! We must ask that all images considered for a cover are UNSEEN, UNPUBLISHED images to keep our viewers with fresh new images! Please do not get discouraged if you send in something wanting the cover and we ask for it for inside the issue. Our cover images are usually picked at least one to two issues ahead of the one we are working on so even if you are selected for a cover, you may still have to wait a minute before it is filled and released. Good luck! 

We are always taking submissions for future issues. Send us your pre selected image from Facebook or Instagram or if you would like us to view more than one, please send a gallery link that can be downloaded from with 4-7 of your images sized 8.5 x 11 300dpi to

We will resize all images to 8.5 x 11 to fit our pages properly! If your image is crooked or off to one side, we will move to the next proper crop size to be able to center your image and use it in our issues. Keep in mind our pages are vertical!

Photos submitted by someone other than the photographer must be approved by your creative team prior to submitting. Photographers must have parent permission for all minors before submitting. Please let everyone know you are wanting to be published and get their approval first! Creative team can be considered: Models, Photographers, Hair & Makeup, Designers, Assistants, etc.
